Catch Up on the Latest Episodes of ‘Pretty.’ The Global Series Featuring Black Women And Their Perspectives on Beauty.

Pretty, Un'ruly, Antonia Opiah

Created by Nigerian-American blogger and marketing specialist Antonia Opiah, “Pretty” is an ongoing web series which features black women from all over the world exploring standards of beauty.

Opiah, who currently lives and works in Paris, France, is the founder of Un’ruly, a beauty and lifestyle site for black women. Her series “Pretty” which is featured on the site, takes a nuanced look at beauty, often in social and cultural context.

In the latest episodes of the series, we meet Pan-African Feminist Minna Salami, Londoner Melinda, and Fatima Oliwer, a Londoner who originally hails from Sweden.

Check out episode 16 of “Pretty” below and watch more episodes at Un’ruly.