Crash Course in History Takes on Toni Morrison’s “Beloved”.

Toni Morrison Beloved

If you aren’t hip to the YouTube series “Crash Course” you should definitely check it out and share with any of the young people in your life, especially if they are in high school. The series stars John Green and Hank Green covering American History, World History, Literature, and Science. When John Green covers historical subjects he tends to take care to remind viewers how bias and politics shape how history is recorded and how we perceive certain cultures or civilizations. This reminder is an extremely necessary one, that I as a person of color, wish more teachers would imbue upon their students at the high school and junior high level. Let’s just say that watching your peers experience a culture shock in college can often be frustrating, or just plain uncomfortable.

In this latest “Crash Course” video, Green discusses “Beloved” by Toni Morrison, a book which is often assigned to American high school students. He also explores the themes of humanity, particularly the humanity of the slaves in the novel, while also discussing the harsh realities of American chattel slavery and the black family structure.