This Father-Daughter Duo With Amazing Natural Hair is Going Viral.

Benny Harlem

Meet Benny Harlem, a California-based artist with an amazing head of hair, who is going viral, alongside his beautiful young daughter, Jaxyn.

When it comes to caring and maintaining his epic head of hair, Harlem stresses the use of all-natural products and a healthy lifestyle.

“Health is my lifestyle,” he tells Beyond Classically Beautiful. “I believe that being healthy mind, body and spirit allows my hair to reach beyond its peak. I maintain a very clean diet and I drink a ton of water both very important factors in the longevity of healthy hair.”

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Harlem also about what he hopes to teach Jaxyn.

There are so many lessons to be learned as a growing lady, however, some are specific to the mother and others necessary for fathers. I aim to make sure she knows to love herself and to pat herself on the back. As a woman she needs to know how to believe in herself first before anyone or anything.

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h/t Black Girl Long Hair.